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Emotion Winds (2014) by Maurice Benayoun


Since 2008, Streaming Museum exhibitions,

programs of the arts and world affairs
and our original videos have reached
millions on seven continents. 


They've been presented in public spaces and the online public space, and at cultural,
educational and commercial centers.
Programs have brought together the general public and experts to discuss society's issues
and potential, and the interconnected
role of the arts.


The museum promotes the power of the arts
as witness, humanist and futurist interpreter, motivator, unifier, beautifier, problem solver, meditation zone, illuminator of cultural commonalities and diversities and new ways
of seeing, model of the creative process, and teller of the stories that matter.

Exhibitions, Programs

Memorable spectacles and events have been created in collaboration with international artists, experts and partners

Bjork's "Mutual Core" in Times Square Midnight Moment
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Bjork's "Mutual Core" is about the human connection to nature and universe. Exhibited across Times Square to launch the World Tour of Nordic Outbreak exhibition and public programs featuring 30 Nordic video artists. Video by Streaming Museum. Left: Cocor MediaChannel, Bucharest, Right: Sao Paulo, Brazil

The goal has been to present art and ideas in the places most accessible to the public in their daily lives - public spaces and online, as well as in physical space in a variety of venues


Streaming Museum in residence in Antarctica, at Carlini (formerly Jubay) Scientific base of Argentina

Arts and conversations with experts across fields look at how art and technology sharpen how we see the world and help create solutions to critical problems with an understanding of the interconnected world

Cynical, pessimistic viewpoints about the future become a self-fulfilling prophecy, says Anthony Leiserowitz, Director Yale Climate Change Communications

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A VIEW FROM THE CLOUD, 2015 at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza-"the Gateway to the United Nations" with Astronaut Ron Garan, Assistant UN Secretary General on Climate Change, Janos Pasztor, international art and screening of Overview, co-produced with World Council of Peoples for the United Nations


... in 2017 at United Nations Church Center, Dr. Emile Bruneau, Director of the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at University of Pennsylvania. Videos by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum

NICOLE STOTT, astronaut and artist
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Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General interview with Shamina de Gonzaga
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A View From The Cloud - Astronaut Nicole Stott, "art is the ultimate universal communicator of complex ideas" 

... Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations under Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, spoke with Shamina de Gonzaga, Executive Director, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, about how the arts and spirituality are needed for resilience to do the work that follows the mandate of the UN. Videos by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum

Artists and our original videos emotionally engage viewers in the lives and experiences of people and issues around the world photographers Teru Kuwayama, Balazs Gardi and Tivadar Domaniczky embedded with Marines, in Afghanistan, 2010-11. A collection of their photographs edited by Nina Colosi was featured  in“We Write This To You From The Distant Future,” at Juilliard at Lincoln Center’s Willson Theater, NYC


Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Fishermen (Études no 1) (2010), for Nordic Outbreak


Artisans in Cairo speak out on politics and cultural tradition in multi-media stories by Massimiliano Fusari - exhibited in A View From The Cloud

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Exit, 2008-2015, data visualization of human migrations and causes by Diller Scofidio+Renfro. Commissioned by Cartier Foundation for contemporary art, Paris. Exhibited at A View From The Cloud.

Jana Winderen Krisuvik Iceland

Jana Winderen, Jana Winderen (2014). Krísuvik, Iceland. for Digital Dynamics In Nordic Contemporary Art, publication, art and programs


A collection of street art in Havana after Castro's death, by Alice Arnold ...


... was exhibited in A View From The Cloud programs in NY and Helsinki


Shahzia Sikander’s artwork evolves from her life experience and ideas of language, trade and empire, and migration. “The World is Yours, The World is Mine”, 2014, gouache and ink on hand prepared paper, 23 11/16″ x 20 9/16″. Courtesy Sean Kelly Gallery NY, exhibited in A View From The Cloud at the UN Church Center

Circuconcéntricos Fluo Bleu 2, 2015 by Elias Crespin, kinetic sculptor; Jacopo Baboni-Schilingi, composer; video by Pascal Maillard. Exhibited in A View From The Cloud

Music on the street in London by TrueMendous, video by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum

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Miguel Chevalier's Fractal Flowers immersive interactive exhibition in Kvinesdal, Norway


The art of Michael Najjar has been featured over the years in A View From The Cloud programs, Centerpoint Now publication and various features, Above: "orbital ascent" (2017) from Najjar's "outer space" ongoing series since 2011

Rally in Union Square, NYC with the family of Trayvon Martin. Thousands of protesters demonstrated against the killing of the black unarmed teenager. Video by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum


Benjamin Edwards, Automatic City, 2004, acrylic on canvas, 69" x 138", featured in A View From The Cloud and other programs


Afghanistan. by photojournalist Teru Kuwayama, presented in Centerpoint Now publication and online feature stories

The 4-5 subway at Grand Central, NYC ...

Cedar Lake Contemporary Dance Company in Bucharest, Romania, on the screens of Cocor MediaChannel and other international public spaces

... and on route to Pagsanjan Falls, Laguna Province, Philippines. Videos by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum



Andrea Ackerman (US)
AES+F (Russia)
Eija-Liisa Ahtila (Finland)
Yorgo Alexopoulos (US)
Mark Amerika (US)

Lhola Amira (South Africa)

Refik Anadol (US/Turkey)
J Tobias Anderson (Sweden)

Roger Antonsen (Norway)
Rachel Armstrong (UK)
Alice Arnold (US)
Charles Atlas (US)
David Bates, JR. (US)
Jacqueline Bates (US)
Maurice Benayoun (France)

Æsa Björk (Iceland)
Jeremy Blake (US)
Ken Are Bongo (Norway)
Federic Bonpapa (France/UK)
Tom Carr (Spain)
Miguel Chevalier (Mexico/France)
Elias Crespin (Venezuela/Paris)
Agnes Denes (US/Hungary)
Ronan Devlin (UK)
Rodney Dickson (US)
Diller Scofidio + Renfro (US)
Tivadar Domaniczky (Hungary)
Toni Dove (US)
Scott Draves (US)
Jaap Drupsteen (NL)
Luke DuBois (US)
Anindita Dutta (US/India)
Benjamin Edwards (US)
Jeannette Ehlers (Denmark)

Anders Eiebakke (Norway)
Jette Ellgaard (Denmark)
Ursula Endlicher (Austria/US)
Etoy (Switzerland)
Jessica Faiss (Sweden)
Horacio Sanchez Fantino (Argentine)
Christoph Ferstad (UK)
Joshua Frankel (US)
Buckminster Fuller (US)
Søren Thilo Funder (Denmark)
Massimiliano Fusari (Italy/UK)
Jeremy Gardiner / Anthony Head (UK)
Balazs Gardi (Hungary)

Christine Gedeon (US/Syria)
Loris Gréaud (France)
Benjamin Grant (US)
Marcia Grostein (US/Brazil)

Sigurdur Gudjonsson (Iceland)
Styrmir Örn Gudmundsson (Iceland)
Eeva-Mari Haikala (Finland) 
Keryoon Han (South Korea)
David Hanson (robotics), Hong Kong
Claudia Hart (US)

Land Art Generator Initiative (US)
Iselin Linstad Hauge (Norway)
Chuck Hoberman (US)
Andrew Thomas Huang (US)
Kaia Hugin (Norway)
Hansol Huh (Korea)

Ryoji Ikeda (Japan)
Hanne Ivars (Finland)
Michelle Jaffe (US)
Mitchel Joachim & Maria Aiolova (US)
Mogens Jacobsen (Denmark)

Tobin Jones (Africa)
Vibeke Jensen (Norway)
Claire Jervert (US)
Kim Joon (S Korea)
Andrea Juan (Argentina)
Jesper Just (Denmark)
Eduardo Kac (US/Brazil)
Sophie Kahn (US/Australia)
Hannu Karjalainen (Finland)
Aaron Koblin and Chris Milk (US)
Historic filmmakers, Korean Film Archives
Teru Kuwayama (US)
Antti Laitinen (Finland)
Thomas Leeser (US)
Dan Lestander (Sweden)
Claire Lieberman (US)
LigoranoReese (US)
Pippo Lionni (France)
Una Lorenzen (Iceland)

Lundahl & Seitl (Sweden)
Brian Mackern (Uruguay)
Pernille With Madsen (Denmark)
Marcelo Mammana (Argentina)
Benoit Mandelbrot (Poland/Fr/US)
Jenny Marketou (Greece/US)
Dodda Maggy (Iceland)
Jean Miotte (France)
James Morgan & John Bruneau (US)
Mariko Mori (Japan)
Richard Mosse (US)
Multi-touch Barcelona (Spain)
James Nachtwey (US)
Michael Najjar (Germany)

Kai-Wilhelm Nessler (Norway)

Marcus Neustetter (South Africa)
Eva Olsson (Sweden)
QNQ/AUJIK (Sweden)
Nam June Paik (Korea/US)
Anton Perich (Croatia/US)
Emanuel Pimenta (Switzerland/Italy)
Chris Rainier (US)
Kurt Ralske (US)
Aparna Rao / Soren Pors (Bangalore/DK)
Anni Rapinoja (Finland)
Worariddh Riddhagni (Thailand)
Miia Rinne (Finland)
Semi Ryu (US/Korea)
Egill Saebjornsson (Iceland)
Shuli Sade (US/Israel)
Edwina Sandys (UK/US)
Claire Jeanine Satin (US)
Lincoln Schatz (US)
Andrew Senior (US/UK)

Anne Katrine Senstad (Norway/US)
Birgitte Sigmundstad (Norway)
Magnus Sigurdarson (Iceland)
Shahzia Sikander (Pakistan/US)
John F. Simon Jr. (US)
Robert Snyder (US)
Karolina Sobecka (Poland)
Federico Solmi (Italy/US)
Joo Muoung Song (Korea)
Kate Specter (US)
Phillip Stearns (US)
Tereza Stehlikova (UK)

Jennifer Steinkamp (US)
Marty St. James (UK)
Nicole Stott (US)
Superflex (Denmark)
Debbie Symons (Australia)
Graciela Taquini (AR)

TerreformONE (US)

Tinna Thorsteinsdóttir (Iceland)
James Tunick (US)
Carrie Elston Tunick (US)
Leo Villareal (US)
Monika Weiss (Poland/US)
Robert Wilson (US)

Jana Winderen (Norway)
Andy Warhol (US)
Anouk Wipprecht (NL)
Ashley Zalinskie (US)
Marina Zurkow (US)


Jacopo Baboni-Schilingi (Italy/France)
Leah Barclay (Australia)
DB Burkeman (UK/US)
Björk (Iceland)
John Cage (US)
Vicky Chow (US)
Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet (US)
Merce Cunningham (US)
Phil Dadson (NZ)
Efterklang (Denmark)
Inna Faliks (US/Russia)
Judd Greenstein (US)

Francesca Harper (US)
Taka Kigawa (US/Japan)
Bernie Krause (US)
Joan La Barbara (US)
Jaron Lanier (US)
Annea Lockwood (US)
Franisco Lopez  (Spain)
Bret Moseley (US)
NOW Ensemble (US)
Nunatak band of British Antarctic Survey

Tristan Perich (US)
Marina Rosenfeld (US)
Paul Miller aka DJ Spooky (US)
Isabelle O’Connell (Ireland)
David Rothenberg (US)
Robin Rimbaud, aka Scanner (UK)
Huang Ruo (US/China)
Anoushka Shankar (US/India)
Santiago Tavella (Uruguay)
Jacob ter Veldhuis (NL)
Stephen Vitiello (US)
Ragin Wenk-Wolff (Norway)
Julia Wolfe (US)
Iannis Xenakis (Greece)
Mo H. Zareei (Iran)

“test pattern [times square]” 2014 by Ryoji Ikeda, Japan’s leading electronic composer and visual artist, in a video of the experience across the screens of Times Square by David Bates, Jr / Streaming Museum


Team and Associates

Nina Colosi, Streaming Museum Founder/Creative Director, [BIO]

David Bates, Jr., Filmmaker and Co-producer [BIO]

Shamina de Gonzaga, United Nations liaison and specialist in international relations. Executive Director, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations

Sherrill Kazan, President, World Council of Peoples for the United Nations

John Zib, Social Entrepreneur, Urban Media Specialist

Susa Pop, Director and Founder of Public Art Lab and Connecting Cities, Berlin

Marcus Neustetter, artist, art activist, The Trinity Session, Johannesburg, South Africa

Glenn Harding and Emma Shearman, Directors, UrbanScreens Productions, Melbourne, Australia,

Alana Chloe Esposito, civil society leader in journalism, human rights advocacy, foreign policy, and the arts [BIO]

Dr. Tanya Toft, Streaming Museum Associate Curator, scholar, international curator [BIO]

Marty St James, Performance Media Artist, Emeritus Professor of Fine Art, University of Hertfordshire


Alice Arnold, filmmaker, photographer, author, Professor Hunter College, NYC

Paula Mikulan (In Loving Memory), Director of Streaming Museum in Latin America, international arts producer [BIO]


Maurice Benayoun, Artist, Director of Open Sky Gallery ICC Tower Hong Kong, Professor City University Hong Kong, School of Creative Media.

Christiane Paul, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art and Associate Professor, School of Media Studies, The New School 

Doo Eun Choi, Art Director of Artlab at Hyundai Motor Company, International Curator, former Chief Curator, Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Visiting Scholar The New School, New York

Janet Bellotto, artist, professor Zayed University (CACE) Dubai

Dr. Dave Colangelo, Professor of Digital Experience Design in the School of Design at George Brown College; Director, North America, Media Architecture Institute; Co-Founder of Public Visualization Studio

Torill Haugen, Digital Art Director, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway


Andrea Juan, artist, curator in Spain and Argentina; Director SM ProArt, Cantabria, Spain; Professor UNTREF Buenos Aires; former, Head of Cultural Projects for National Antarctic Affairs of Argentina

Guest Curators collaborate for projects around the world


Sherrill Kazan, UN Assistant Secretary General Janos Pasztor, Nina Colosi, Shamin de Gonzaga at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, NY for A View From The Cloud


Tanya Toft, Maurice Benayoun and Marty St. James in Hong Kong


Dave Colangelo and Tanya Toft at the Media Architecture Summit 2016 (MAS) in Toronto


International Partners


A Women's Thing Magazine, NY

Art Center Nabi at SK Telecom, Seoul Seoul, Korea
Art Plural Gallery, Singapore
Ars Virtua Gallery and New Media Center in Second Life

Art Dubai, UAE
 Tenerife, Canary Island
ArtHelsinki, Finland

AV-Arkki, Helsinki, Finland

Bang On A Can, NY

23 BBC Big Screens, UK: Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, 
Cardiff, Coventry, Derby, Derry, Dover, Edinburgh, Leeds, Leicester, 
Liverpool, London (two locations), Manchester, Middlesbrough, 
Norwich, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Salford, Swansea, and Swindon 
Big Screen Plaza, NYC
bitforms, NYC
British Antarctic Survey

Catherine Clark Gallery, San Francisco
Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, NY
Chelsea Art Museum, NYC
Christopher Henry Gallery, NYC

Churchill Museum, Fulton, Missouri
City of Milan Italy, official celebration of 20th Anniversary of Fall of Berlin Wall, Piazza Duomo
Cocor MediaChannel, Bucharest, Romania

Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin

Connecting Cities, Berlin
 and worldwide

Creative Tech Week,Leaders in Software and Art NY
Dag Hammarskjold Plaza-“The Gateway to the United Nations” NY
Danish Architecture Center, Copenhagen, Denmark

DOX, Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague
Electronic Arts Intermix, NY
EMF Electronic Music Foundation, NYC
Environmental Defense Fund, NYC

ETC Experimental TV Center, NY
Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia
FRAME Visual Art Finland
Friedrichstrasse (transportation hub), Berlin

Fundacion Telefonica, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Gazelli Art House, London
ICC Tower curated by City University Hong Kong
Icelandic Art Center, Reykjavik, Iceland

I/O Lab, Senter for Framtidskunst in Stavenger, Sandnes, Hå, Norway

ISEA International Society of Electonic Arts, Dubai
ISE Cultural Foundation, NYC
James Cohan Gallery, NYC
Japan Society, NYC

Johannesburg Maboneng Precinct, South Africa
John Cage Trust at Bard College, Laura Kuhn, Director
Katuaq the Cultural Centre of Greenland in Nuuk

Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
Korean Film Archives, Seoul, Korea

Manhattan Bridge Archway, DUMBO, NY

Marian Goodman Gallery, NYC

Max Protech Gallery, NY
Media Facades Festival Helsinki
Merce Cunningham Studio, NY

Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY
Microwave Int’l New Media Arts Festival, Hong Kong
MOCAtv / Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Momentum Worldwide, Berlin
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
Nam June Paik Art Center, Yongin, Korea

Nam June Paik studio, NY
OVNI, Objectif Vidéo Nice, Nice, France
Perth Cultural Centre, Australia

Piazza Duomo, Milan, Italy
PNEK Production Network for Electronic Art, Norway
Premises Gallery, at Johannesburg Civic Theater, South Africa
Public Art Lab and Connecting Cities, Berlin
Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland

Robert Miller Gallery, NYC
Sandra Gering Gallery, NYC
Scandinavia House, NYC
Screen City Festival, Norway
Second Life: Ars Virtua New Media Center
Sikka Art Fair, Dubai

SK Telecom, Seoul, Korea

Sombat Permpoon Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
Split Film Festival, Croatia
Tag Fine Arts Contemporary Art Dealers & Publishers, London
Tenerife Espacio de Las Artes (TEA), Tenerife Canary Island, 
Spain – Espacio Enter Festival

The Danish Arts Foundation
The Concourse, Sydney, Australia

The Trinity Session, Johannesburg, South Africa

TimeIn Children's Art Initiative, NY
Times Square Arts, NYC

Tina B. Contemporary Art Festival, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Tomorrow City, Song-do, Incheon, Korea
Ubuntu Center, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Umea, Sweden, European Capital of Culture 2014

Urban Screens Productions, Melbourne
Utsikten Kunstsenter, Kvinesdal, Norway

Venice Biennial 2011, Chiostro del Museo Diocesano, 
Sala Sant’ Apollonia, San Marco, with Zayed University, 
sponsors Dubai Culture & Arts Authority and Louis Vuitton

Video Guerrila Festival, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Videospread, Marseilles

Victory Park, Dallas, Texas

YCG Fine Art, NY
ZERO1 San Jose, California



Nordic Outbreak in Hong Kong with JM Media


FJC Foundation, New York
J.M.Kaplan Fund, New York
World Council of Peoples for the UN

Antar Programa Antartico Argentino
Artlog, NY
British Antarctic Survey
Buckminster Fuller Institute and Family, NY
Digitalarti Paris
EMMAR Corporation, UAE
Environmental Defense Fund
JM Merit Media, Hong Kong and Macau
NRDC - Natural Resources Defense Council, NY
ONSSI On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc
Times Square Arts
Times Square Advertising Coalition

Nordic Council of Ministers
Nordic Culture Fund
Nordic Culture Point
Cargo Film and Releasing
Consulate General of Sweden
Royal Norwegian Consulate General
Consulate General of Finland
Consulate General of Denmark
Consulate General of Iceland

Direccion Nacional Del Antartico, Argentina
Dumbo Improvement District, NY
Human Rights First, NYC

Metropolitan Pacific Properties, NY
Mode Records
NYC Department of Transportation
NYC Parks
New York Foundation on the Arts
New York State Council on the Arts
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
Office for Contemporary Art Norway
Rooftop Films
The Planetary Collective US/UK
TED Prize



2021 - MCN (Museum Computer Network) panel discussion on Hybrid Museums produced by Torill Haugen, Digital Advisor and Curator, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristensand, Norway and curators from the Met, Statens Museum for Kunst, Slovak National Gallery, Luzildab, Streaming Museum

2021 - Creative Exchange Lab | Center for Architecture & Design, St. Louis, Missouri, international panel series "Monument | Anti-Monument"

2019 - Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art - book launch, lecture, interactive art, Scandinavia House, NYC. Recasts the Nordic art context in an expanding digital condition and reveals horizontal ways to write its histories

2017- A View From The Cloud, UN Church Center, ArtHelsinki, keynote, Nina Colosi

2017 - The African Art in Venice Forum, 57th Venice Biennale, Piano Nobile, Hotel Monaco

2016 – Engaged Media series at NYU, The Role of Media and Art in the Climate Change Debate

2016 – Balance-Unbalance International Conference, Columbia, South America – Creativity, Emerging Mobile Technologies and Changing Climates

2015 – The Future of Museum and Gallery Design conference at University of Hong Kong organized by K11 Foundation and Leiscester University, UK
2015 – Quebec Digital Art in New York, organized by Conseil quebecois des arts mediatiques, in collaboration with ELEKTRA and FuturePerfect, at Made in NY Media Center by IFP

2014 - Global Parliament of Mayors, Amsterdam

2014 – International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) Dubai

2014 – International Marketplace for Digital Arts (IMDA) Montreal

2013-14 - Nordic Outbreak, NYC and international tour

American University Dubai

Birkbeck, University of London

Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts

City University Hong Kong

Columbia University, NYC

Ecole Superieure de Gestion et Commerce International, Paris
Florida International University College of Architecture and the Arts

Mt. Holyoke College Art Museum, Massachusetts

New York University Tisch School of the Arts
Parsons The New School of Design, NYC

School of the Art Institute of Chicago
The Juilliard School of Music, NYC
University of Colorado

University of Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, UK

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Zayed University Dubai


"We Write This From The Distant Future" at Juilliard at Lincoln Center, artist Brad Paley, in theatrical production


School of Visual Arts visit Digital Art @Google, New York City headquarters


Lundahl & Seitl, "Unknown Cloud On Its Way To…" presented at Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art, book launch, lecture (below) and art (above), Scandinavia House, NYC. 


Tanya Toft lecture for Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art, Scandinavia House


Publications and Press



2020 - Centerpoint Now, "Art We There Yet" publication of World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, special UN 75th anniversary issue in collaboration with Nina Colosi/Streaming Museum

2020 - Thessaloniki International Film Festival - Non Catalog, "Streaming Cultures" by Nina Colosi

2020 - The Building as Screen: A History, Theory, and Practice of Massive Media by Dave Colangelo, describes, historicizes, theorizes, and creatively deploys massive media -- a set of techno-social assemblages and practices that include large outdoor projections, programmable architectural façades, and urban screens -- in order to better understand their critical and creative potential. 

2019 - Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art by Dr. Tanya Toft
research and publication project based on interviews with artists connected to the Nordic region, examines how digital dynamics in society – in the context of the welfare state – influence contemporary art.

2016 – Journal of Curatorial Studies by Dave Colangelo

2016 – What Urban Media Art Can Do: Why When Where and How? Editors: Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, Mark Wright

2014 – Centerpoint Now, Journal of World Council of Peoples for the United Nations

2012 – Urban Media Cultures: (Re)Shaping the Public Space through Urban Screens and Media Architectures. Authors – Susa Pop, Ursula Stalder



Anti-Utopias, Bucharest, Baltic, Russia, Scandinavia
Arte al Dia, Argnentina
BBC News
CBS New York
Cesar Giobbi, Brazil
Clarin, Revista de Cultura N, Argentina
Complex Art & Design
Creators Project
DR P3, Denmark
E-flux, NY
Finnish Cultural Institute
Galleri Box MÅNDAG, Sweden
Houston Chronical
Huffington Post
Iceland Naturally
Interview Magazine


Making Art Happen, Lisbon
MOCAtv, Museum of Contemporary Art LA
MoMA Talks
Museum Publicity, London
Music Broadway World
Nonesuch Journal
NYC Arts
NY Daily News|
Platform for Pedagogy, NY
Politiken, DK
Ruutu TV Finland
Scandinavia House NY
Time Out NYC
Times Square Arts
Wall Street Journal
XOXO Sweden

Publications, Press

Thank you

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©2025 Streaming Museum

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