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Streaming Museum at ArtHelsinki

Guests Bina48 and artist Claire Jervert


Streaming Museum Presents a Program on Art and Digital Technology at ArtHelsinki, Introduces Guest Humanoid Robot Bina48 and “Android Portraits” by Claire Jervert

ArtHelsinki International Contemporary Art Event, September 7-11, 2016 at the Messukeskus Expo and Convention Center in Helsinki.

Streaming Museum’s founder, Nina Colosi, will give a keynote talk at ArtHelsinki on September 8 entitled “A View From The Cloud.” Colosi will present views on art and digital technology in exhibitions, world affairs, and the art market and its future. Her special guests will be humanoid robot Bina48 who will converse with art fair visitors, introduced by Bruce Duncan, Director of the Terasem Foundation, and humanoid portraitist, painter, and conceptual and digital artist, Claire Jervert. Colosi will also introduce Streaming Works – a new LLC for the sale and commissioning of art in all mediums to support Streaming Museum’s international arts and innovation programs and featured artists.

A display of a selection of the 43 introductory works available at and an overview of Streaming Museum’s programs will be on view from September 7 – 11 at ArtHelsinki, booth 6p129. Collectors can also commission new work through that incorporates their personal data into artworks created by leading international digital artists. This includes commissioning a humanoid robot by Hanson Robotics in their own likeness, the development of their mind files with Terasem Foundation, and their robot’s portrait by Claire Jervert.

Streaming Museums’s program at ArtHelsinki includes public interactions with the internationally known humanoid robot Bina48 created by Hanson Robotics, and Terasem Foundation director Bruce Hanson. Artist Claire Jervert will talk about her explorations in the new frontier of robotics around the world. Her Android Portraits give the unusual sensation and vision of the future hybridity of human and machine.

The video artwork “Lake Como Remix” (2012) by pioneer media artist and authorMark Amerika will be representing Streaming Museum in the ArtHelsinki video program curated by Moving Image Art Fair founders Murat Orozobekov and Edward Winkleman. The video artwork reveals the way online technologies stitch new forms of reality into what passes as a representation of the real while documenting an alternative and experiential “head trip” suggestive of both time-travel and teleportation. Streaming Museum, launched by Nina Colosi in 2008, has produced and presented exhibitions and programs that have reached millions on 7 continents in public spaces, at cultural centers and other venues, and The museum brings a worldview into focus through the arts and its interconnections to contemporary international affairs and cultures, the sciences, technology, the future, and more. The museum is currently co-producing with World Council of Peoples for the United Nations, “A View From The Cloud” – a multi-year international program of art and creative technology to sharpen how we see the world and showcase innovations that advance solutions for 21st century challenges and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Streaming Museum has collaborated with Finnish arts organizations in two globally touring exhibition programs – Nordic Outbreak (2013-2014) and Artists and Innovators for the Environment (2008-2009) which included Finnish art and keynote speakers. These organizations include FRAME Contemporary Art Finland, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, AV-Arkki, m-cult, and Media Facades Festival Helsinki. The programs were made possible with generous support from Nordic Culture Point, Nordic Culture Fund, and the Consulate General of Finland in New York.

Sponsors: Streaming Museum at ArtHelsinki is sponsored by Frame Contemporary Art Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Business Gallery and Kämp Collection Hotels.

ArtHelsinki International Contemporary Art Event will be held September 7-11, 2016 at the Messukeskus Expo and Convention Center in Helsinki, in connection with the Habitare Design Fair.

©2024 Streaming Museum

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