Phil Dadson on John Cage: In 1969, I think it was, I witnessed an exciting and memorable performance of Eclipticalis by Cage and Tudor at the Roundhouse in London...
Between Worlds (2011)
In 1969, I think it was, I witnessed an exciting and memorable performance of Eclipticalis by Cage and Tudor at the Roundhouse in London. And later, an improvisation (the Silver Pyramid) by AMM, both in the same venue. I have both on-tap in my memory banks still! I was a member of the scratch orchestra foundation group at the time, where Cage and his Fluxus cohorts were a distinctive flavour amongst scratch enthusiasts. I learnt all the Erik Satie Gymnopedies, read Silence from cover to cover (several times), fell in love with Zen stories and Cagean andecdotes, embraced impermanence and the Tao te Ching and never looked back other than to do the musical opposite of JC; polyrhythmic music and From Scratch . . although I'm sure he would have appreciated its theatricality and invented instruments. John Cage, you changed the nature of listening and the way we think about music and art. Thankyou
Between Worlds (2011) 10:55 (Watch video here) an upside-down world (WUD) view intersecting with reflections on ecology, geometry, nature, signs and portents. Exploring the interstice between inner and outer worlds, tangible and illusory.

Phil Dadson (aka dadsonic; sonicsfromscratch) is a sound and intermedia artist, with an interdisciplinary practice including solo performances, exhibitions; building experimental instruments; video /sound installations, music compositions, graphic scores, sound sculptures and improvisations on invented instruments. Founder of New Zealand's most original rhythm/performance group, From Scratch. Member of Foundation group for Scratch Orchestra (London 1969), later founded Scratch Orchestra (NZ),1970, and From Scratch (1974), known internationally for it’s funky rhythms and unique performances on original instruments. Principal author of The From Scratch Rhythm workbook, published by Heineman USA, & co-author with Bart Hopkin of SLAPTUBES & other Plosive Aerophones’ (EMI). NZ Arts Foundation Artist Laureate, Antarctica NZ artist fellowship, Sanskriti / artist residency, ONZM.