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Press release: Artists and Innovators for the Environment, 3-part series


Artists and Innovators for the Environment - A Three-Part Series October 3, 2008 to April 3, 2009

Features Iconic Fine Artists to Oscar Winning and Renowned Composers to Contemporary Dance, New Media and Innovations that Point the Way to a Renewable Energy Future

Streaming Museum, TED Prize and Urban Screens Melbourne 08 collaborate in Global Launch Friday, October 3 from Time Warner Center, NYC

New York, NY. Streaming Museum, a new hybrid Museum that presents exhibitions in cyberspace and public space on seven continents, has announced the opening of “Artists and Innovators for the Environment”, that will be on view October 3 through April 3, 2009. Each exhibition is featured for 2 months and continues until April 3, 2009. Exhibitions are viewed in cyberspace at and Ars Virtua New Media Center, and in public locations around the world according to schedules listed on the website.

Opening weekend program

Over the weekend of Friday, October 3 to Sunday, October 5, Streaming Museum and collaborators TED Prize and the Urban Screens Association, will create a symbolic global connection in a simultaneous broadcast of program content and visual connection.

On October 3 at 8:00 PM they will hold a cross-continental conference between the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle, New York City, and Federation Square, Melbourne, Australia where the Urban Screens 08 festival is taking place. Following the conference, they will launch through cyberspace and the global network of partnering public screens, “Artists and Innovators for the Environment”, the premiere of an important body of work by renowned photographer and TED Prize winner James Nachtwey, and a visual montage introducing the urban screen locations. Nachtwey's work will be projected onto the Time Warner Center between 8:00 PM and midnight, and will also be presented on the Reuters Screen in Times Square, National Theater in London, and many other international locations.

Streaming Museum's Exhibition

“Artists and Innovators for the Environment” is a three-part, six-month exhibition featuring international visionary creators: Buckminster Fuller, design scientist; James Nachtwey, photographer; John Cage, Paul Miller DJ Spooky, Gustavo Santaolalla, Huang Ruo, Jacob ter Veldhuis, and Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, Stephen Vitiello, Julia Wolfe, composers and multi-media artists; Agnes Denes, Andrea Juan, Anni Rapinoja environmental artists; Andrea Ackerman, Phil Dadson, Toni Dove, Luke DuBois, Brian Mackern, Kurt Ralske, Marty St. James, James Tunick, new media artists; Ken Are Bongo, Jaap Drupsteen, Jaime Snyder, Robert Snyder, filmmakers; Ben Edwards, Jean Miotte, Worariddh Riddhagni, painters; Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet; dance for film by Merce Cunningham, Nam June Paik and Charles Atlas; the Nunatak band of the British Antarctic Survey Station; pianist Inna Faliks performing Maurice Ravel; innovative designs for environmental sustainability by Foster and Partners, Chuck Hoberman and others; internet blogger Davidjr and rock band One-Eyed Doll.

The exhibitions can be viewed on-demand in cyberspace at and Ars Virtua New Media Center in Second Life. Among the public locations screening the exhibitions according to local schedules are: Africa: Ubuntu Center, Port Elizabeth, South Africa; Asia: Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Korea Antarctica: British Antarctic Survey Station and Jubany scientific base of Argentina; Australia: Federation Square, Melbourne; Europe: BBC screens throughout the UK; North America: Chelsea Art Museum, NYC, Victory Park, Dallas, Texas, USA; South America: Centro Municipal de Exposiciones Subte, Montevideo, Uruguay; and many other locations. Consult the Museum’s website for public location schedule information.

About Streaming Museum

Founded by Nina Colosi in January 2008, exhibitions are produced in New York City in collaboration with international curators, artists and cultural institutions. Streaming Museum is sponsored by FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, and ONSSI.

About TED Prize and James Nachtwey

On October 3, 2008, renowned photojournalist James Nachtwey will reveal an important body of work to the world as part of his 2007 TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Prize wish. Each year, the TED Prize, an initiative of the TED Conference, grants three extraordinary individuals one wish to change the world. Winners are given one hundred thousand dollars in seed money, and individuals within the TED community and the world at large participate in making the wish come true. Nachtwey has spent the last two years documenting an imperative story that needs the recognition of a global audience, and wished for help in breaking the story in a way that demonstrates the power of news photography in the digital age. On October 3, Nachtwey's work will be simultaneously streamed online, disseminated through numerous media channels, and projected on monuments and public buildings throughout the world.

About Urban Screens Melbourne 08 (USM08)

Urban Screens Melbourne 08 demonstrates how new urban multimedia infrastructures can build relationships with and between the citizens of a modern and vibrant city and increasingly between cities and citizens around the world.

USM08 is celebrating Federation Square as a modern multimedia precinct, taking its place among an emerging global network of urban screens venues. Together they are creating new opportunities for global community building, multiculturalism, and public education and engagement in the consideration of environmental, cultural and social sustainability.

Urban Screens Melbourne 08 is the third in a series of worldwide Urban Screen events, following Amsterdam 05 and Manchester 07. Melbourne 08 will showcase a wide range of proof-of-concept projects of new forms of urban screen networking and technologies to support public interaction in cultural development, exchange, discourse and creative education. Urban Screens Founder and President is Mirjam Struppek.

Contact: Nina ColosiFounder/Creative Director, Streaming Museum212-867-0883

Mirjam StruppekPresident, Urban Screens Association

Paul StaubliMultimedia Program Manager

Bonnie CalvinTED Prize

PART 1 - October 3 - December 3, 2008

Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta (BR) Opening music from “Difesa della Natura” 1998 and “Mesostic” 1991 (synthesized breath of John Cage) from “Concert for Frogs and Crickets”.  Photographs John Cage and his NYC apartment # 3,4,7,9. Courtesy of composer/

James Nachtwey (US) Courtesy Nachtwey Studio and TED Prize Gustavo Santaolalla, courtesy of the composer.

Agnes Denes (HU/US) Courtesy of the artist.

Buckminster Fuller (US) Courtesy of The Estate of Buckminster Fuller, Director, John Ferry. Film excerpts by Robert Snyder. Thank you, Max Protetch Gallery, NYC,

Jacob ter Veldhuis (NL) “Ignition” from video oratorio "Paradiso", courtesy of the composer and filmmaker Jaap Drupsteen. "Paradiso" video available at

Jaap Drupsteen and JacobTV are both artists from the Netherlands, who have been working together on several projects combining music on stage with live video. Paradiso was there first cooperation: This oratorio about an imaginary world without suffering, based Dante's Divina Commedia, was premiered the day after 9-11.

Visual artist Jaap Drupsteen is known for his innovative use of video in art. He was a pioneer of video art on Dutch television back in the 70s and won many international prices. He also designed Dutch banknotes, stamps and passports.

‘Avant pop’ composer JacobTV made a name for himself with melodious compositions, straight from the heart and with great effect. ‘I pepper my music with sugar,’ he says. Jacob TV is preoccupied with American media and world events and draws raw material from those sources.

John Cage (US) “Lecture on the Weather” recording and images: Courtesy of John Cage Trust at Bard College, Laura Kuhn, Director, and C.F. Peters Corporation; Cage portrait Henny Lohner, Cage at desk Betty Freeman. Performance at Bard College 9/27/07, images by Donald Dietz. Closing image John Cage, Kyoto Garden, Japan (1960), source unknown. Henry Thoreau and Thoreau by Walden Pond, courtesy Getty images. The archive of the John Cage Trust is held at Bard College in upstate New York.

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet Fall 2007 Collaboration with Fly Magazine, courtesy of the company.  Benoit-Swan Pouffer, Choreographer; Caleb Custer, video; Stefano Zazzera, music New York City

Innovators Tesla Roadster: Masdar Initiative - Developed by Foster and Partners: Shading roof: courtesy Chuck Hoberman, Acquabuoy, Bio fuels, Solar ink: courtesy Environmental Defense Fund and Art Silverman, producer, “Shifting Shades” 2008 excerpt courtesy of the composer Huang Ruo, performed by Trio Real Quiet.

Anni Rapinoja (FI) Courtesy of artist. Curator, Marketta Seppälä, Director, FRAME - Finnish Fund for Art Exchange.

Brian Mackern (UY) Storm of Santa Rosa courtesy of artist, Montevideo, Uruguay

Nunatak (AQ/UK) Courtesy of British Antarctic Survey. Athena. Athena Dinar, Senior Press Officer

Huang Ruo (CN) Closing music, excerpt “Tree without Wind”, courtesy of composer, Soyeon Lee, pianist,

PART 2 - December 3 - February 3, 2009

Andrea Ackerman (US) 3D computer animation Rose Breathing, 2003, a 3D computer animation with stereo sound, is part of a series of synthetic landscapes and characters, a contribution to our ongoing evolution from natural to synthetic beings living in an increasingly synthetic world. In Rose Breathing, a 33 second loop, a synthetic rose rhythmically opens and closes in human like respiration. Rose Breathing was created by the artist using Maya and Renderman. Andrea Ackerman

Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet (US) Fall 2005. Benoit-Swan Pouffer, Choreographer; Adam Larsen, video; Stefano Zazzera, music.

Agnes Denes (HU/US) Pioneer Environmental Artist Wheatfield -- A Confrontation, 1982

Ben Edwards (US) Painter Automatic City, 2004   acrylic on canvas, 69" x 138" Convergence, 2000-2001  acrylic, texture media, foam and spray paint on canvas, 97" x 145" Hidden Village, 2006 oil on canvas, 30" x 40" Cinnamon Gardens, 2006 oil on canvas, 44" x 60" The Pusan Experience, 2002   acrylic and texture media on canvas, 72 5/8" x 96 5/8" Immersion, 2004   acrylic and texture media on canvas, 75" x 125"

Buckminster Fuller (US) Comprehensive anticipatory design scientist

Robert Snyder (US) Filmmaker Courtesy of The Estate of Buckminster Fuller, Director, John Ferry. Film excerpts by Robert Snyder. Thank you, Max Protetch Gallery, NYC,

Benoit Mandelbrot (FR) Mathematician

Dr. Wolfgang Beyer (DE) Physicist Created Mandelbrot set images & One-Eyed Doll (US) Video blogger and rock band Election 2008 - November 4 from Times Square, NYC - President Elect Barack Obama and

Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta (BR) Composer Opening music from Difesa della Natura 1998 and Mesostic 1991 (synthesized breath of John Cage) from Concert for Frogs and

Marty St. James (UK) Video artist Upside Down World 2008 Music by Julia Wolfe (US) Believing This ecological driven video art work is based on the notion that there are many ways to see the world and locate our environment. Filmed quite literally upside down traveling through the French countryside the work aims to displace received visual values with new positions for visual comprehension. The intention is build a visual metaphor combined with displaced sound to indicate how things can look if we reposition ourselves for just a short space and time. Marty St. James

James Tunick (US) New media innovator Circuit 2008 interactive 3D Future cities as electronic circuit

Jacob Ter Veldhuis (NL) Composer

Jaap Drupsteen (NL) Filmmaker Heaven On Earth from video oratorio, Paradiso 2001. North Netherlands Orchestra Alexander Liebreich, Conductor Claron McFadden, soprano Tom Allen, tenor Available at

Stephen Vitiello (US) Composer Box Reflection from Bode Sound Project 2005 Published by Institute for Electronic Arts

Julia Wolfe (US) Composer Believing 1996 Published by Cantaloupe Music Performed by BANG ON A CAN All Stars Maya Beiser, cello Robert Black, bass Lisa Morre, keyboards, piano Steven Schick, percussion Mark Stewart, electric guitar Evan Ziporyn, clarinet

Artworks and music, copyright and courtesy of the artists. Excerpts from "The World of Buckminster Fuller" by Robert Snyder, courtesy of the Estate of Buckminster Fuller.

PART 3 - February 3 - April 3, 2009

Toni Dove (US) concept, author, interactive design.

Luke Dubois (US) R. Luke DuBois: software design.

Sally and William are characters created for Spectropia, a feature length live-mix cinema performance by Toni Dove currently touring. Sally is based on Sally Rand, a famous fan and bubble dancer working in the 1930's. Medium: video and interactive software.

Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta (BR) Opening music from “Difesa della Natura” 1998 and “Mesostic” 1991 (synthesized breath of John Cage) from “Concert for Frogs and Crickets”. Courtesy of composer/photographer.

Phil Dadson (NZ) Stone, Water, Air, Ice, courtesy of the artist. Represented by Starkwhite, Auckland, NZ.

Buckminster Fuller (US) Courtesy of The Estate of Buckminster Fuller, Director, John Ferry. Film excerpts by Robert Snyder. Thank you, Max Protetch Gallery, NYC,

Merce Cunningham, Nam June Paik and Charles Atlas Merce by Merce by Paik,1976, courtesy of Merce Cunningham Dance Company, NYC Part one of a two part series, subtitled Blue Studio, Five Segments

"Television obscures art in life, and life in art. Can we reverse time?" In Merce by Merce by Paik, a two-part tribute to avant-garde choreographer Merce Cunningham and 20th-century master Marcel Duchamp, Paik and his collaborators question art, life and time through video. Throughout, Paik's electronic manipulations cause time and space to be layered and transformed.

Blue Studio: Five Segments is a groundbreaking work of videodance by postmodern master Merce Cunningham and his then filmmaker-in-residence, Charles Atlas. In a series of short pieces choreographed and performed specifically for video space, Cunningham is multiplied, overlaid and transported from the studio to a series of unexpected landscapes. Cunningham's gestural dance is manipulated to the accompaniment of a disjunctive audio collage that includes the voices of John Cage and Jasper Johns.

In Merce and Marcel, Paik and Shigeko Kubota create a densely textured, transcultural collage that pays tribute to the eponymous artists by addressing the relationship of art and life. Paik and Kubota link art to the movements and gestures of the everyday: "Is this dance?" reads the text over an aerial view of taxis moving through the streets of New York, and the image of a baby's tottering first steps. A rare interview with Duchamp by Russell Connor is re-edited by Paik in a rapid, stutter-step progression. In a witty temporal layering that Paik terms a "dance of time," an interview with Cunningham, also by Connor, is intercut and superimposed with the earlier interview of Duchamp: "Time reversible — Time irreversible."

Host: Russell Connor. Camera: Bob Harris. Music: David Held, Earl Howard, John Cage. With excerpts of work by Woody and Steina Vasulka, Bill Gwin, Jean Marie Drot, Nancy Graves, Erik Martin, Russell Connor. Produced by the TV Lab at WNET/Thirteen. (Text: EAI, NY)

Videos are available through Electronic Arts Intermix, NY (

Paul Miller DJ Spooky: That Subliminal Kid (US) North / South, courtesy of artist and Robert Miller Gallery, NYC

Nunatak (AQ/UK) Courtesy of British Antarctic Survey. Athena. Athena Dinar, Senior Press Officer

Worariddh Riddhagni (TH) Courtesy of the artist and Sombat Permpoon Gallery 12 Sukhumvit Soi 1 Klongtoey Nua, Wattana Bangkok, 10110, Thailand T: (66) 2.254.6040-6 F: (66) 2.254.6048 D: (66) 2.655.5128 Gallery Director Panada Lerthattasin

Ken Are Bongo (NO) Courtesy of the artist and Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian

Andrea Juan (AR) Courtesy of the artist and Praxis International Art, Buenos Aires, Miami, New York

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