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The Next Renaissance?


"Earthrise photographs from the 1968 Apollo-8 mission revolutionized how we see the world and ourselves. We are one people traveling together on one planet, toward one shared future."  - Astronaut Ron Garan

In 2024, a renaissance of transformative innovations is unfolding, yet the sustainability of life hangs in the balance.

     Each day, advancements emerge across diverse fields. Astronauts and National Geographic explorers use technology to discover the secrets of outer space and nature's ecosystems. Ecological finance pioneers craft a system valuing nature's use, while Quantum computing is developing its capability to push the limits of knowledge with the atomic forces that created the universe. Artists, green energy designers, robots, and remote forest inhabitants convey emotions and intricate ideas about the world's condition and future.
     However, these achievements, while remarkable, lack transformative power unless harmonized t
o address human and environmental crises.
    Below are three interconnected approaches to sustainability that flow through the viewpoints of over forty-five artists 
and groundbreaking explorations: Worldviews, Indigenous Lifeways, and Innovation.

Three Stories+Art on Sustainability
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